2010年8月27日 星期五

Back to school issue

九月一日這個大日子快要來臨了.對上班族來說,這是一個曾經讓他們又緊張又討厭的日子.對我們學生來說,這就是一個快要來臨的大日子啦!九月一日!要上學去了!不過我自上年開始,我就不用去找找那校服,看看合不合身,因為我已是自由身,不錯再被那沉悶及著了之後好像肥了十磅的校服困著啦!我可以天天著自己的衣物出走!多好啊!上學對我來說,也不錯了,因為我拍到SNAP啦!因為我最要好的大學同學拍SNAP拍得特別好!而且我可上學就不用天天沒究干的樣子啦!但有一個不好的地方是,港大離家好遠呀!而且車費好貴呢...而今日為大學生,或愛校園風的朋友仔帶來了BACK TO SCHOOL特集.大家一起來感受一下校園的氣息吧!

6 則留言:

monica:) 提到...

i still have to wear my trashy uniform *sobs*
but i really love my primary school uniform!
especially the winter one: a floral shirt plus a brown dress
so sad that i've thrown away that floral shirt *more sobs*

Style traveler 提到...

you have a floral shirt uniform!!!lovely!!
could u shoe me~~??
My uniform is sososo ugly...

monica:) 提到...

that's is the primary one...
my uniform now is kinda !@#$%^&
i will see if i can show u some of my old school pics

Style traveler 提到...

OKOK~~~are u studying international sch??

monica:) 提到...

i study at maryknoll convent school in kowloon tong!
u can search on the internet for my primary winter uniform:)

Style traveler 提到...

oh!i know which one~~~~gd girl~!


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