Hey guys! The time in Prague is now 11:05 pm. I wish all of you are having good dream right now. Do you guys want to know things in Prague? I have been to Prague for 3 days! Time flies! Yesterday I went to Prazsky hrad, Karl uv most, Staromestske,.....Yes! I have almost visited the whole Prague! It is really a small city. Today I went to a small town which near by Prague. The town is called Kutna Hora. If you visit Prague, I suggest you go there too. Those churches are nice. OK! There are some photos of me. WAHAHA! I dont know if you guys love to read something about travel so I dont write too long.
Day 1
Day 2

About the postcard!
Yes! So many people emailed me.
So nice that many of you would love to have my postcards.
(Yes...I know, it is because of those postcards, not about me...HAHA!)
I will randomly send those post cards.
But of coz!! Someone who always leave comment n like my post in facebook!
I will send it to you first!
I have already sent one in Prague.
If someone get my postcard, plz comment me.
I want to know if you could really get it.
See you!